Praise the Lord for your faithfulness to fund two more wells, pumps and water tanks at feeding centers in Kenya! Please read the report from our regional director and be…
Feeding children in Kenya
Just one of our feeding center locations – Outspan Baptist Church This report comes from Outspan Baptist Church and is writting by one of our national church planters. On average…
Two more motorbikes in Kenya
The preachers are incredibly thankful for this excellent tool that will assist them in spreading the gospel to unreached areas.
Agapge Baptist Church Feeding Center
On behalf of Agape Baptist Church, I am writing to express my gratitude and sincerely thanking you for sponsoring the children feeding program at our church, Agape Baptist.
5th feeding center is born in Kenya!
This past Sunday, Agape Baptist Church became the 5th center where we launched our TAL Sunday feeding center program. Praise the Lord!
Wow! Cheplaskei Touch A Life Feeding Center
The numbers of children who directly benefit from the meals you donate to us is about 60 children up from the initial 30 children before we had meals. This is a very significant increase since last year in the month of may when the feeding program started.
Motorcycles for Preachers
For Christmas 2022, we did a fundraiser catalog of items you could order to be donated to our network worldwide. Part of that catalog included motorcycles! 8 have been purchased…
Kenya Youth Camps
The most incredible tool I know for changing lives and recruiting an army of witnesses Bible Institutes and colleges can train young men and ladies for service in two, three,…