What would you think if I told you that our Great Commission Fund has grown so much that we can now support all these men you see in the photo?
Building a Church in India
As I am sure most of you know, the Modi regime has been ratcheting up persecution against religious freedom in India. A government that had at one time been generally…
Empower Women’s Futures: Support Our Sewing School Project
Imagine a journey where education is not only a means to learn a valuable skill but also a path to faith and self-discovery. Over the years, their sewing school has provided training to nearly 400 women, many of whom come from Hindu backgrounds.
Outcast and Abandoned
“If I speak about this publicly or in any other place like social media, I’ll get into trouble,” he said, “but the fact is that these kids need help, but they (the authorities) try to sweep them under the rug.”
One Preacher Story – An Exciting Journey
From A Hindu Childhood to Atheism to Christianity, a preacher story. He was born and bought up in a Hindu idol-worshiping family.
A request from India
As I am sure most of you know, the Modi regime has been ratcheting up persecution against religious freedom in India. A government that had at one time been generally…
Motorcycles for Preachers
For Christmas 2022, we did a fundraiser catalog of items you could order to be donated to our network worldwide. Part of that catalog included motorcycles! 8 have been purchased…
Meet one of our sponsored leper’s children in India.
645 words – reading time 3 minutes This report and introduction was written by Pastor Ananda Kumar, now with Christ. His son, Kishore Palivela, an Indian Navy veteran, now oversees…
The various facets of our ministry work together to plant new churches – despite the existence of persecutions.
By Jon Nelms Preface: In the twentieth century, when thinking of persecution, American Christians thought of Russia and the Communist Block nations. With the fall of the Berlin Wall, China…