Late last year, we released a video to bring awareness to the Devadasis. These were true testimonies of real Devadasi women living in India who have come out of a life of prostitution and are seeking refuge in Christ. Along with the video, we put out a call to raise $15,000 to help support these women. So far $11,255 has come in for this project, and we wanted to share with you the results thus far! Please read a report from our regional director on the impact your funds have had so far.
Did you miss the original video? Watch it below
The special gift of financial assistance to the church members consisting of Ex-Temple prostitutes is enabling them to cope with the economic crisis they are facing; i.e. they do not get regular work in the farm, barely three to four days in a week. To some of them, the local farmer denies them work because of their newfound Christian faith. Formal employment opportunities are few, thereby your financial grant is a recourse to these humble Christians.

The moms are able to feed their kids without depending on money lenders or landlords. They are sending their kids to school instead of going to work as a child labor (saved them from clutches of moneylenders).
In case if Final Frontiers Foundation continues to offer such grants, we intend to assist unwed mothers who were once eking a miserable living as Temple prostitution/ Sex workers, they are now exercising freedom in Christ Jesus. Due to their fragile health and no longer able to attract customers are now eking a miserable living under the shackles of Moneylenders and landlords barely earning $ 2 a day, it is surely a matter of life and death for them.
Thank you for helping us to make a difference for Christ.
Part of the funds were use to furnish Preacher V Taikar with a motorbike as he ministers among Devadassis. He expressed his gratitude to the donors for the vehicle,stating, for years he struggled to reach the temple prostitutes. He had to walk in the midst of heat,cold or rain in the absence of public transport.Now with this vehicle he will be able reach out to hundreds of them for Christ. Thank you from the depths of his heart.
Thank you for your donations, and if you are able to further assist our new sisters in Christ, you can do so below, or by mailing in a check and designating it to “The Devadasis”