Motorbikes in Nepal – Fifteen Thousand Reached

A group of people sitting in chairs at night time in the street. On a nearby building the Jesus film is being projected onto the wall. In the background is a small grocery shop that is lit up.
Motorcycles Needs Special Projects

Motorbikes in Nepal – Fifteen Thousand Reached

Last year, thanks to your donations to our Motorbike fund, we were able to supply a motorbike to a group in Nepal. We want to share with you the results of that donation from our regional director, and how there is still a need for more!

The Jesus Film Project has made significant strides in spreading the message of Jesus Christ in Nepal through film screenings and community engagement, despite the challenges posed by the country’s anti-conversion laws. Many individuals who have watched the Jesus Film have decided to follow Christ, leading to the formation of new believer groups and the establishment of new churches.

The Jesus Film Ministry in Nepal is dedicated to spreading the message of Jesus Christ through the powerful medium of film. By showcasing the “JESUS” film in local languages, the ministry reaches diverse communities across the country. This visual storytelling method makes the life and teachings of Jesus accessible and relatable to all age groups.

Nepal is divided into seven states, and we have established a team in each state. Each team conducts film screenings twice a week in new areas. On average, we reach 15,000-20,000 people with the Gospel each month through these screenings, with approximately 5% of viewers accepting Christ as their Savior. Given the high illiteracy rates in many villages, the Jesus Film Ministry is an effective and fruitful way to communicate the Gospel.

Despite the success, the geographical challenges have limited our reach. By expanding to more remote areas and increasing the number of film screenings, we can overcome these barriers and reach more people. We have discovered that, considering Nepal’s unique geographic and cultural context, showcasing the Jesus film is one of the most effective ministries for reaching out to Nepali villages and communities.

We have established seven teams, one in each of Nepal’s seven provinces, comprising a total of 14 dedicated individuals—two members serving in each team. These teams are instrumental in spreading the Christian message across the country.

Pastor Subash Shrestha accepted Jesus Christ after watching the Jesus movie during one of our visits. He was saved, attended our Bible College, got trained, and was ordained as a pastor. Today, he serves as a pastor in Okhaldhunga, leading a group of 60 believers, with new believers joining every year.

The motorbike provided by Final Frontiers Ministry for Pastor Shankar has been instrumental in enhancing the efficiency and reach of our ministry efforts. Enabled our team to access remote villages that were previously difficult to reach. Reduced travel time significantly, allowing for more frequent and timely screenings. Lowered transportation costs, freeing up resources for other ministry activities. Allowed the transportation of equipment and materials with ease.

Facilitated spontaneous visits to communities, fostering stronger relationships. Enabled quick response to invitations from local churches and community leaders.

By providing motorcycles, we can reach more villages efficiently, especially given Nepal’s challenging road conditions. Motorcycles offer a cost-effective means of transportation, significantly enhancing our outreach efforts and improving access to remote areas.

Continue expanding our reach to more remote areas. Increase the number of film screenings and follow-up sessions. Set up more teams to sustain and grow the ministry. To further enhance our outreach and efficiency.

Our teams in Gandaki, Bagmati, and Koshi provinces currently host weekly film screenings, attracting 80-100 attendees per show, with 4-10 individuals coming to faith in Christ. If we could enhance transportation with motorcycles, we could increase our screenings to twice a week, potentially doubling both our audience and the number of new believers! significantly expanding our outreach and impact.

The Jesus Film Ministry not only opens the door to initiate small Bible study groups but also lays a firm foundation for church planting and the making of new disciples.

We have seven teams, with four currently equipped with motorcycles. However, three teams in Koshi, Bagmati, and Karnali provinces lack this essential means of transportation. Given the remote nature of many areas in Nepal and the limited public transport, our teams often have to borrow motorbikes or walk from the last available transport point. To enhance our outreach, we need three motorbikes, each costing $2,000, totaling $6,000 for three motorbikes.

These accomplishments highlight the significant impact of the Jesus Film Project in Nepal.

  • Conducted over 100 film screenings in remote and urban areas.
  • Reached an audience of approximately 15,000 individuals.
  • Over 200 decided accept Christ as their savior.
  • Organized follow-up sessions and Bible study groups.
  • Distributed over 5,000 copies of the New Testament and over 15,000 gospels tracts.

Expanding the Jesus Film Project in Nepal is crucial for spreading the message of hope and salvation to more people. We are deeply grateful for the support and look forward to continued collaboration in this mission. The Jesus Film Project remains the most effective tool for sharing the Gospel in Nepal, especially given the constraints imposed by the anti-conversion law.

We urge you to pray, support, and assist us in making a significant impact in these remote areas. Your contributions will enable us to overcome geographical and legal challenges, ensuring that the message of Jesus Christ reaches those who have not yet heard it.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership in this vital ministry. Together, we can bring the light of the Gospel to the farthest corners of Nepal.

You can give towards this need, or fully fund it by giving below, or by mailing a check in and designating it to Motorcycles for Preachers.


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