We received a wonderful report of 3 motorcycles being delivered in the first week of February, thanks to your support. Below you can read the report from our Kenya director. Thank you for your giving to help grow the ministry of these men exponentially as we reach the world for Christ!

Hello Brother,
I am happy to report that we gave out three new bikes to our preachers from three fellowships. These three men are Bible school teachers as well in three colleges. They are highly involved in producing men who will do exactly what they learn and that is witnessing, church planting, and discipleship.
These men have years of experience in training others and with the acquisition of motorbikes they will be effective in the ministry work.
The men who received the bikes were:
• Pst Seth Alionya of Shaviringa Baptist Church in Kaimosi – Vihiga fellowship. – Started 35 churches!

He is a Bible school teacher in Nandi Bible College which is a distance from where he lives. The bike will be a blessing in his monthly visit to the school and in training men who are ready for the ministry. He is also the chairman of the preachers’ fellowship of Vihiga and helps in getting the FF forms to the men in his fellowship. He has helped in planting churches like Mountainview Baptist, Neema Baptist, and Glory Baptist to name but a few. At the Bible school, he teaches: Church leadership, Church History, Minister’s Personal Handbook, and How to Pray. He has 6 children and the bike will help him in his daily needs and to take care of his children.
• Pst Daniel Sifuna of Kaironi Baptist church in Busia Fellowship – Started 21 churches!

He started teaching at the Bible school in 2017. He teaches at Busia Theological Institute in Busia and has witnessed many men and women graduate and become effective in the ministry. He teaches from first year to third year and some of the courses he teaches include: 1 Corinthians and Galatians, 50 Reasons, Jesus on Leadership, Books of the Bible, and Bringing People to Jesus. This bike will help him reach the school on time, church, and nearby villages for evangelism. The villages are yet to be reached because of the distance including villages like Kamusogon, Mlango, and Lupita to mention a few will be easily reached now.
• Pst Benard Juma of Siskendu Baptist Church in Transzoia Fellowship. Led over 3,400 to Christ!

This pastor graduated in 1994 at Makutano Theological Institute. He later started the current church in 2005 and before that, he had helped in starting Sitatunga Baptist Church, Chabarus Baptist Church, Galan Baptist Church, and Solid Rock Baptist Church. This preacher, just like the two preachers above is also a Bible school teacher and teaches at Soul Winning Servant Leadership School in Kitale. Some of the lessons that he teaches are Great Doctrines, Old Testament Survey, Old Testament History, and Church Ministry. This bike will help him a lot on Sunday to carry his wife Ann Juma to the church and fellowship meetings.
Last year our group received 6 bikes and this year we have received half of that already. These tools of evangelism are very effective in bringing souls to know the Lord. We are very grateful for the more than 30 bikes that we have received over the years. We continue to pray for more so that we can take the gospel to more parts of the world.
May God bless all that give and as the Bible reminds us from II Corinthians 8:7, continue to abound in that grace.
Indeed, the harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest”. This is the 9:38 challenge. Every 9:38a.m and 9:38p.m I have my alarm set so I can pray for our nationals and missionaries around the world to take the gospel to areas it has never been preached before.
Take this challenge up yourself also.
God bless,
You can continue to help purchase and distribute motorbikes to our national church planters around the globe by giving on line, or by mailing in a check and designating it to “Motorcycles for Preachers”