The report below comes from one of our Touch A Life feeding locations in Kenya, and is written by our regional director.

As Illula Bible Baptist Church, we would like to thank the Final Frontiers Foundation and the ministry of Touch A Life for the great support and help that we have received in the wonderful feeding program. We are the pioneers of the feeding program and we thank God for the blessings that we have received as a church. This year we will be turning four years since the program was launch in our church. The program has been so helpful in the physical and spiritual growth of the church.
We are so thankful to God for the bore hole that we have been able to acquire through you our ministry partners. We now have clean drinking water that has been so helpful in cooking meals in the church. We were struggling greatly in terms of drinking water and members had to bring water from home and form nearby neighbors but now we have taps all over our church compound in which we can drink clean water from.
We are thankful that through the availability of this water we have already started a farming project in the church that will enable us to raise funds to begin church construction. We have planted different types of vegetables that will also go well with the feeding program. We are so glad for the water project and our prayer is that the Lord will bless you abundantly. This month we have extended the depth of the bore hole since around mid-December the water levels had gone down making it hard to pump clean water. We now have sufficient water to take us through out the year. Praise God.
One of the beneficiaries of the program is called Tasha Jepkosgei.

Tasha Jepkosgei is one of the children that has joined the church through the Touch A Life program and has given her life to Christ. She is in second grade in one of the schools around. She has been a great evangelist that has brought 7 of her friends from school to our church. We thank God for all the children that have joined the Sunday school ministry and we pray that they may grow to be God-fearing children.
Our church has really grown in number through this program and we are very grateful to your partnership in ensuring that we have meals each Sunday to feed these children.
Thank you so much to you our ministry partners and may God bless you abundantly.
You can help support this feeding center by making a donation below, or mailing in a check and designating it to Touch A Life.