Hundreds Reached in Summer Ministries

A large group of youths in white shirts enthusiastically playing a volleyball-style game with a giant colorful beach ball in a lush outdoor setting. Facilitators in blue shirts assist and supervise as the group enjoys teamwork and fun amidst a backdrop of trees and hills.
Around the World Missionaries Progress Report

Hundreds Reached in Summer Ministries

Honduras had at least 300 salvation decisions and more than 18 tons of food distributed along with toys, vitamins, school supplies, and hundreds of Bibles. We purchased a “tuk-tuk” (3-wheel vehicle) for running errands and a Toyota van. We added an enclosed patio to the front, bought 23 new queen-sized beds and 13 custom-made wooden closets for the rooms, and completely remodeled the main facility with a drop ceiling, new tinted windows and doors, AC units for every room, new kitchen equipment, and a  Star Link satellite system. We opened two new rooms that hold 13 youth each, with private bathrooms and AC. We also installed two new diesel generators. During a two-day regional blackout, we were the only place with electricity.

We are excited that we can now host American churches and youth groups throughout the year. Additionally, our expanded and remodeled facilities can now provide a place for Honduran (and Nicaraguan) churches and youth groups to enjoy a first-class camp or conference—unlike any other. Additionally, we are thrilled to share that a couple from Ohio plan to move to Honduras next spring to assist with administration and teach English to our staff and students. (This is a new and vital ministry.)

In addition, the church in Zurzular was completely remodeled, and a pastor appointed. It now accommodates 100 adults inside while the children meet outside. It has bathrooms, water, electricity, sidewalks, a fully equipped kitchen, and new paint.

Currently, a pressing need is to acquire funds for another used pickup truck (about $25,000). This is crucial for our food deliveries and transporting workers to new fields for evangelizing and church planting. Our “Mighty Mitsubishi” pickup is 18 years old and “ain’t what she used to be.” Our “stallion” is now more like a three-legged horse–you can’t get far with a three-legged horse! We earnestly pray for someone(s) or some church(es) to help us meet this crucial need.

For information on arranging a visionary trip for your church with Final Frontiers in Honduras, call 800-522-4324 ext. 110.

Meanwhile, our youth camps elsewhere–Kenya, Egypt, and Pakistan–were all exceptionally successful. Hundreds of teens and young adults came to Christ, were baptized publicly, and proclaimed their intent to serve Him in ministry for the rest of their lives. Some have already enrolled in our affiliate Bible Institutes, while others have begun mentorship. To my knowledge, every person who came to Christ in our youth ministries received a Bible. More than a thousand!

To support youth camps, donate online (select “Special Projects” and then “Youth Camps”) or mail in support and designate it to “Youth Camps.”

Yours for souls,



  • The Rev. Jon Nelms is the founder of Final Frontiers. Called to missions at the age of eleven, he has been winning souls since he was twelve. Jon was a street preacher, pastor, church planter, and missionary before founding Final Frontiers in 1986 at the age of 30.

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