Jon’s letter

Group of children and adults gathered outdoors in a village in Honduras, with volunteers distributing items from a vehicle.
Missionaries Progress Report

Jon’s letter

Greetings to all:

Nolin and I are enjoying ourselves hosting groups from the USA in Honduras. This summer, we have eight weeks of groups, and the “off weeks” are packed with repairs and construction projects. Already, we have seen at least one hundred souls come to Christ, and yesterday I was able to visit a Tolupan tribal village that I had never been to before. That was a real blessing, and getting there was an adventure. But as always, our Mighty Mitsubishi made it with no problem.

I heard the other morning from a young missionary in Germany whom I am blessed to know and participate in his mentoring. He called to update me and introduce me to one of his seventeen Timothies, a young German named Pascal. They had recently returned from a gathering in northern Italy. They were eager to share their church plating results with me. What a blessing. The books our Lord has allowed me to write are being blessed abundantly.  We now have them in more than half a dozen languages, and they are used in Bible institutes worldwide.

The same morning, I received another call from the Middle East with glowing reports of our work from Morocco to Afghanistan. Our people are still hunted, but they shared with me a story of how the attempted capture and execution of two of our men was spoiled. Like the soldiers who attempted to throw Daniel’s friends into the fiery furnace, they, too, were swallowed up by the same cruel death they had planned for our men.

Most days, we get calls or emails from all over the world, sharing remarkable stories, asking for help, and requesting Bibles and prayers. We do all we can, but that is only because you do all you can to provide the funds for us to help.

I will be home in late August and plan to be in and out of the country until next Spring. Still, I cherish any opportunity to share our ministry with the churches in America, so give me a call. Our ministry is exploding worldwide, with so many coming to Christ and so many new churches being planted. Honestly, we are blessed to know such men of God and honored to share their works with you, and your support with them.

There are some pressing needs right now, so please watch for our emails. Check your spam folder if you are not getting them, or notify me at

Yours for souls,
Jon Nelms


  • Jon Nelms

    The Rev. Jon Nelms is the founder of Final Frontiers. Called to missions at the age of eleven, he has been winning souls since he was twelve. Jon was a street preacher, pastor, church planter, and missionary before founding Final Frontiers in 1986 at the age of 30.

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