Useless but still USEFUL

This summer in Honduras, we had many vehicle problems, including the need for new tires. I’ve been driving for fifty-two years and have had my share of flats, whether by glass, nails, or screws, but this was the first time I had a flat due to a rock. I admit when it comes to having to spend money, I am prone to have too much patience. So, as I ignored repeated warnings about the condition of my tires, it wasn’t until one went flat that I realized how slick they were – that a single rock went through the tire, embedding itself in the rubber.
So, after buying four new tires, I had to decide what to do with the old ones that still had some use to them. Usually, I give them to the local police departments. They don’t drive much, and it is always local, and there seems to be no budget for them to buy new ones. Old and worn as mine usually are, they are delighted to receive them as a gift.
In America, when tires are beyond use, we usually “dump” them. But in developing countries, they can always find a use for what we don’t want. While out visiting, I took this photo (poorly focused as it is) so you could see how old tires can be “recycled” and still retain some usefulness.
It reminded me that sometimes we get distracted in serving Christ or even too old or infirmed to do what we were created to do, but that doesn’t mean we have outlived our usefulness. Find a way to be a step for someone else to reach their potential. After all, repurposing yourself for the benefit of others is better than wearing away in the hot sun of a garbage dump.