The following is a detailed report of the youth camp in Pakistan written by our regional director, Shaukat Siddique. May it be a blessing to you to read of the salvation decisions, all thanks do those who gave to make it possible!
We want to extend our greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ. Our Lord and Savior, The Master, allowed us to share the word of God in a big youth camp.
By God’s grace, the camp is 100% successful with your support. A total of 250 Campers joined this camp, 25 were our Staff members, so the total number of people at the camp was 275. All campers were new, and they joined us first time. 15 Hindus joined our camp who came from the desert areas. Three females were Muslims who also joined us. We are very excited to share lots of fantastic news about our youth camp and the salvation decisions.
This time we chose biblical studies. Our schedule was very hard, and we prayed to complete this period by the grace of God. I thought this is a good time to teach the strong doctrine among the youngsters so that they will share it with others.
My lectures in the camp
- How a young man can cleanse his way (Palms 119: 9)
- Importance of Evangelism
- False Prophet and their Education (Speaking in tongues, false miracle, Slain by spirit, Revolutionary Knowledge, Prophecies, Dancing in the church)
- The character of Apostle Peter
- The character of Apostle Paul
On 8th July, we started our journey to the mountains. We decided to reach the campsite before the campers’ arrival. The campsite was 650 km from our church. So we chose our team of 15 people from our staff. We loaded our van with essential materials, Games Materials, Food Items, Bags, safety equipment, a first aid box, cleaning materials, and Studies Materials. It took us until the 9th July to reach the campsite.
We chose six women for the kitchen staff, 12 for the cleaning and maintaining of all campsite and managing all the important things before the campers’ arrival. We all performed very well and spent a complete day preparing the campsite. While we were very tired because we traveled all night and reached in the early morning, and without rest, we started the work. It was such a busy day. I appreciated my team because, without rest, they performed tremendous work. I want to mention my team’s name my wife Kiran was leading the team. She advised us to go to the campsite before the arrival of the campers;
Shehryar, sharif, Adnan, Salas, Sajeeel, Arzoo, Anum, My daughter Angela, Carol, six ladies of our kitchen staff, and my brother-in-law. We all performed well this first day, and when it was finished we took rest in the night.
Monday 10th July 2023.
Early in the morning, campers came from 7 different cities and towns. Seven buses reached us before 11 am. The campers were very tired due to the long journey. We served them breakfast, and they took some rest. In the evening, I invited all the campers to the grounds and introduced them to our camp. I shared the complete information and divided them into Red and Blue teams. I was so happy to see such a large number of youngsters in front of me. My heart was full of the Holy Spirit. My big target was to win their souls for the kingdom of God with many salvation decisions.

Exercise Time / Personal Biblical Studies
We started our first day with Exercise and personal worship time. All campers were awake at 6:00 am, and the boys and girl enjoyed early morning exercise time.
Breakfast Time
After an hour, they all joined us for breakfast. Our kitchen staff performed very well, and they cooked breakfast very quickly. It was so hard to make bread for 270 campers, but by the grace of God, they performed very well.

Chapel Time
At 8 am, we started our chapel time. Kiran led that meeting, and Pastor Imtiaz shared the word of God in devotion. It was a very encouraging sermon.

Teaching a Song:
After the sermon, we Taught a song to all campers (Lord I need you, o I need you). After the song teaching, we started our …

Games: Games section
Wonderful competition between two teams (Red and Blue). The Blue gents won the first game on the first day, and the red team won in the ladies. It was the first time for all campers to play our games. All our games were on team building and were a way to teach the word of God.

Skits are a very effective way of preaching. My staff team performed a beautiful skit on the youth. They teach a lesson to the youngsters about how bad things control us, and we are following bad habits, but that Jesus Christ saves us all the time. HE died for our sins. After the skits, I saw lots of youngsters were crying due to seeing the reality of what is a blessing

I started to preach the word from Psalm 119: 9. It was a question for all campers on how to clean their ways. I preached about many bad habits of a young man, from 2 Tim 3:1-7, I also preached from Mark 7: 19-21 how we have become unclean. Then I preached from Galatians 5:16-26, I preached very openly about the sins. From there I preached about how the young generation is falling down due to sin, how people are using mobiles and social media for their sins. I preached 4 hours on the first day. Campers heard the word of God. They acknowledged that they are sinners and are spending their lives without Jesus Christ. These words touched their hearts and their minds, and they stood in the name of Jesus CHRIST. 180 CONFESSED THEIR SINS HALLELUJAH, in front of Jesus Christ. It was so encouraging for all campers that we gained much fruit on the first day with all of those salvation decisions.

Every day was very busy according to schedule,
After the preaching, we started group discussion. All counselors prepared questions according to the topic. By God’s grace, all campers wrote very briefly and obtaineded good marks in the assignment. Wow, wonderful day by the Grace of God.

By the grace of God we served food among all campers at the right time
We gave some outing time to visit the mountains. All campers came back at 9 pm, and they ate the dinner.

After the very busy day we spent some time discussing our complete day. We discussed managing things and other materials.
SECOND DAY 12-07-2023
On the second day, the schedule was same, but the 95% of campers were changed in their hearts. This day was very hard for us because my mission was to prepare them for the evangelism. We were excited to teach all campers for the Great Commission. We prepared all things, English Songs, games, skits, questions, according to the topic. My wife and I performed a skit as well to encourage all the campers. I started to preach from Matthew 28: 19. I preached that evangelism is a very important part of a believer’s life, and we need to prepare ourselves for evangelism. It was such a blessed day in our group discussion, we asked them “What do you think about the completion of Great Commission?” They all said this is our responsibility to reach lost nations and lost people. Our vision is now going to complete this commission. We won many souls and encouraged them for evangelism, Praise God!
One thing I prepared was that all the campers needed true Biblical Doctrine. Whenever they go outside to preach the word of God, they need faith-based true Education of the Bible. On the Third day, we planned to teach about the false teachers and their doctrine. I preached about those preachers who preach the word of God only for the money. They don’t know about the Word of God. They are showing fake signs of wonders and preaching the gospel of prosperity. I thought that I must teach the reality to all the campers how these are all false prophets making fools of the church members and innocent people, so I honestly preached to all campers that we need to preach about the second coming of Jesus Christ. We need to spend life with faith, not with signs of wonders. I preached twice that day. All campers heard this doctrine first, and then after the study sections, all campers agreed with us that we taught them according to the Bible. Thank God we won their heart for the pure Teaching of the Bible.
Third games and Skits were encouraging for all campers. By the grace of God, our Vision of the camp was going to succeed.
On the 4th day I preached the personality of Peter. I preached that when he knew Jesus Christ, he faced lots of difficulties, but he strongly stood by the truth. Many times they prisoned him, and many time people pulled them out from the cities, but they never compromised. We all are like Peter. We are chosen by Jesus Christ, and so we need to be faithful with Jesus Christ as Peter did.
On the 5th day, I shared the story of Apostle Paul. I preached about how he spent his life without Jesus Christ. Paul was an educated person, but he never heard that Jesus is the almighty God. He persecuted many believers. In the end Jesus Called him, and he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. After that his changed mind was ready for Jesus Christ, and preaching the word of God.
We gave assignments to all campers. We checked their hearts were ready for the Jesus Christ. Some of them wrote we will face problems like Paul faced, and some of them wrote that we will preach the word like peter did.
It was such a blessed time with all the campers, with so many salvation decisions. They came with worldly minds, but they returned with a huge missionary mind and heart.
These 5 days of preaching changed all campers. Hallelujah, they wrote on promise diaries that they will go back and preach the Gospel of Christ and win many souls.
95% of campers changed their minds and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.
On the last day, we distributed 200 Bibles among all campers. We also distributed books of songs. We presented certificates and everyone was so glad to go back home after the youth camp. The 15 youngsters from Hindu areas all accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, Hallelujah! During the camp, they all invited me to their area. I am praying to meet them soon, maybe at the end of July or in the first week of August. It was hard to say goodbye to all the campers. My eyes were full of tears with all the camper’s telling me that their lives have a mission now. They came without any hope now they are going back home with hope and vision.
Special Thanks
In the end, I appreciated my team, counselors, kitchen staff, security staff, and Management staff. The camp was successful due to my team. I am thankful to all of my team.
After the successful camp my wife and I decided to organize an appreciation party for all camp staff. We purchased gift for all security staff, Management staff, counselors’ staff, and kitchen staff
We purchased trophies for all the staff and also purchased cloths for the ladies who performed their duties in the kitchen, and cooked food for all of them. They are all thankful to the Final Frontier Team God Bless you all.
Continue to pray for Pakistan. We are praying for all of you.