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November 1990

The following is an excerpt quoted directly from our most recent letter from Jashibo.
Tachilek, Mynanmar (Burma)
Dear best brother Jon,
I and my family are well and striving and overcome Satan. We have founded a new Lahu church at Hona Village in Burma. During this year I gathered together from many different places and placed a Christian village and finished the church building.
This is because of your helps and the help of God.
I have twenty families in this village now that have been baptized, and all being quitted smoking heroin and cigarette and drinking wine, and all is holy as God is holy now. Jimmy helped us by your help with everything we need this rainy season, rice, clothes, lantern, kerosene, and cassette. I’m appreciate you very much for your helps at this time. Jimmy told me that you have sent me gifts by him. This is that you are working together with me at the same time even though you are very far from me.
I am teaching the Bible at Yan Naiy until the end of September. On Sunday we attend church four times and doing teaching encouraging singing and praying together. Every night I and my daughter teaching the Bible and leading songs. One hundred fifty families we will add to our village because we have a mount and a wider plain to build house hereafter. Please do not stop sending your gifts from now on because we are a poor family and we essentially need your help, your aid is profitable for my ministries. We really need your aid now as long as we are working in the world for His Kingdom. I am working independently now I have asked many missionaries to help me, but they refused me to help until nowadays. I have help only from brother Jimmy by you.
I may stop discussion here. May God richly bless you in all your efforts for us.

Missions Progress Report
The “Missions Progress Report” is a monthly publication of the FINAL FRONTIERS FOUNDATION, INC. It is distributed free of charge. The purpose of FINAL FRONTIERS is to effectively take the Gospel to those who have never before heard it. Over three billion souls have yet to hear the Gospel!
Currently, we minister in Thailand, Assam, India, Bhutan, Tibet, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia (Kampuchea), Vietnam, Laos, China, and Mexico. The primary focus is on countries closed to American missionaries but open to FINAL FRONTIERS due to our unique method of missions. Various outreach ministries include Bible translation and distribution, radio and television broadcasts, camps, Bible schools, outdoor evangelistic campaigns, prison ministries, correspondence courses in Biblical studies, and most importantly, church planting through the efforts of our missionaries and the national and native preachers supported by this foundation. Additionally, for missionaries and believers in America, we also offer mission trips and training.
It is our belief that the training and subsidizing of national and native preachers is the most efficient and effective method of global evangelism. As such, we seek to raise prayer and financial support from believers in America for God’s servants abroad.
Selection of those we sponsor is dependent upon their doctrinal beliefs, need, and worthiness. We seek to support only those who are serving by faith, never those who are waiting for a salary in order to serve. Worldwide, the average preacher in a third-world country needs as little as $26.00 each month to survive.
FINAL FRONTIERS, as a non-profit religious corporation, is governed by those serving on the Board of Directors:
- Rev. Jon Nelms, Founder-Chairman
- Mr. Greg Vernon, Vice President
- Mr. Mack Nelms, Secretary-Treasurer
- Rev. Nelson Baker
- Rev. Robert Wynveen
- Rev. Tommy Tillman
- Rev. Gene Carpenter
- Mr. Raymond Chin
- Rev. Michael Corsini
Contributions and gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible and are applied to the ministry’s worldwide evangelistic outreach. FINAL FRONTIERS is classified as a 509(a)(1) non-profit, tax-exempt corporation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Speakers’ Schedule:
The following cities will host men representing the ministries of FINAL FRONTIERS from November 1 through December 9, 1990. For information on the times, dates and locations, call 1-800-522-4324.
Jon Nelms:
- Swainsboro, GA
- Orlando, FL
- Signal Mountain, TN
- Indianola, IA
- Sioux City, IA
- Roswell, GA
Lewis Nelms:
- Cedar Rapids, IA
- Boone, IA

The Jon Nelms Family
Jon, Juanita, Daniel, and Sara Beth
It has been four years now since God changed our lives by allowing me to visit the mission field of Southeast Asia. In that time, we have seen over 131 new churches begun and over 20,000 souls saved! Currently, we are seeing a new church begin on average every nine days! That is truly remarkable!
I have spoken with Pastor Esposito in Long Beach, CA, and he feels that the trip to Cambodia is still on. Please pray for his efforts to organize the city-wide evangelistic campaign we are planning for Phnom Penh next summer.
Pastor Kiatisak has returned to Thailand, but not before we were able to see a number of folks accept Christ as Savior among the Laotian population of Des Moines, Iowa. One lady who had arrived in America only the night before came to the service and was saved. In three months, she will have to return to Laos, but in doing so, she will be able to carry the Gospel to her family there.
In a few weeks, I’ll be back in Mexico gathering more information from the preachers we are recommending to you for support. They are hardworking men who are accomplishing much for the Gospel of Christ in their own land, as well as in India and Australia, where they support their own missionaries!
My family is doing well, now that we are over the various flus that have hit this area. I appreciate your prayers on our behalf, as well as the support you offer us and this ministry. We are continually seeing good results in the churches where we speak. I truly believe God is preparing to do something great in world missions through His servants in America (once again). I Pray we and you will be worthy to be a part of His moving and will be found faithful when Christ arrives.
Yours for souls,
Jon Nelms

Testimony of Jashibo
(Edited by Jon Nelms)
I believe that our God is the true God, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and through Him I have eternal life and the opportunity to go to the Father. The Holy Spirit of God is my guide, my comforter and my strength. I believe that the Word of God is spiritual food for all Christians, and so I am teaching the Word of God in all of my churches.
When I was thirteen years of age, I was moved with my parents and two cousins into a Christian village of the Lahu tribe, to which I belong. There I began attending school and learned of Jesus Christ. After believing in Him as my Savior in 1966, I was baptized by my pastor Ja Heh. In 1965, my wife Na Mi was baptized at the Bangwai Christian Lahu Village, which was a part of the Burma Baptist Mission.
As I grew in Christ, I began to study at the Short Term Bible Training Center across the border in Thailand. After completing my course of training there, I moved to study at the Yannai Christian Village in the Shan State of Burma, which is near the borders of Thailand and Laos.
While I was studying I served as an evangelist. During the weekdays I would plant rice in the paddies and help my pastor by serving as a deacon.
Three years ago, God led me to leave my villages and begin serving Him full-time. I now work for God independently of any board or headquarters. That is to say that I work alone with the men that I am training for the work of God. In this time I have started four churches. In my life, I have helped to start ten churches.

I have no other jobs that I work to earn a living. My family feeds pigs and chickens, and we seed rice a little bit to earn our own support. I never have free time to work other jobs because I am working among the four new churches I have started. During the days now, my wife and daughter, Na Law Bo, grow rice for our family. In the evening they return to our house which is made of bamboo in the Lahu tribal style. There they will eat a meal of rice. We would like to have some different foods sometimes, but there is no way. We feel that we must invest the funds you send to us in the ministry. When I can return in time, I will eat with my family, but sometimes traveling in the jungles becomes slow, especially in the rainy season. If I cannot get home, I will eat whatever is provided for me or whatever I can find in the jungles.

I feel that my family is a good example for the other families. We have no arguments, but instead, we have peace and fellowship. We pray together for the new churches to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God blesses us so much. We are receiving food three times each day now.

I do not have any free time now because I am working very hard among the four newly converted villages. Day and night I teach, sing and preach, as well as leading them in devotions. In this work, there is no income, no helper (though I am training some men to eventually take over the churches), and no one to support me. Usually the villages would make contributions to the work, but they are all very poor. There is little money among them.
There is a reason. Some time back before their conversion, these people had fled Burma during the recent revolution and had moved into Thailand. There they lived for a while as refugees until one day, the Thai soldiers came and drove them back into Burma. There they settled deep in the jungles to be away from the government. They have not been established long enough to develop crops or an income.
Even though they are unable to help me, I serve as their pastor and evangelist by starting new churches. I was called to serve Christ by the Spirit of God and the Christians and non-Christians alike ask me to teach them. What else can I do? I have no mission to support me. In fact, FINAL FRONTIERS is my only supporter. You are the first to ever give me help.
I cannot maintain records thoroughly of all God is doing among my people, but I can give an account of what He has done through us in our four churches:
- Since February 28, 1988, I have baptized 7 people in Sakhan Village.
- Since March 6, 1988, I have baptized 24 people in Baho Village.
- Since May 1, 1988, I have baptized 43 people in Yang Gong Village.
- Since November 6, 1988, I have baptized 21 people in Hona Village.
Altogether, we have baptized 95 people in these villages. In addition, I am now instructing another 88 families. In our four churches, there are a total of 450 grown-up people.

In my service for the Lord, I need a cassette tape recorder and one camera so that I could send photos of the work to FINAL FRONTIERS. Among the other items needed would be a bicycle and a lamp for the night services.

Because I am serving in four different villages among people that are nearly starving, I feel I could minister more effectively if I could receive about $100.00 monthly. This would help me provide for the needy and cover travel expenses and supplies (like Bible flip charts) for each church.
Thank you for all of your help to us.
Jashibo currently receives $25.00 each month from the FINAL FRONTIERS general fund. If you would be interested in being his full or partial sponsor, please write or call 1-800-522-4324. We will provide you with an application and photos. During the year, you will read more about his works in future issues of the “MISSIONS PROGRESS REPORT” as well as receive copies of the reports he sends to us (at least twice a year).
This is an excellent opportunity for a family or Sunday School class to have a direct influence in spreading the Gospel in countries closed to American missionaries, like Burma, Laos, and China.
Let us hear from you soon! Our address is always found at the bottom left-hand column on page two.

Testimony of Nitaya Thongprasert
I was born into a Buddhist family with no concept of God at all. I was a fanatic in my false religion, and made merit by offering food and money to the priests and doing different rituals required by the monks in the temple. Often, with my sister, I would travel long distances to make merit.
My family had many problems, but the greatest was that my father has four wives. His income is barely enough to feed all of us children. My mother is his primary wife, but one of the lesser wives lives with us and she persecutes us often. My mother is very unhappy and cries all the time. Sometimes I would wonder why I was born. There was no meaning in my life at all. I wanted to leave my home to escape my problems, but I had to stay to care for my mother and siblings.
One day I got a job at the Thai-American Textile Company. My friends there persuaded me to study English at the Baptist Church Student Center. They told me that the Gospel workers there required them to study the Bible after English classes.
When I first heard the Gospel story, I was against it. I was afraid to become a Christian because that would hurt my parents and they would be angry with me.
One day I heard the story of Jesus who was willing to die on the cross to redeem me from my sins. I never would have thought that anyone was willing to die for me, but Jesus willingly gave His life for me! I studied the Bible until I realized it was true, and surely it is the Word of God. On that day I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and now my burden is lighter! My life was changed! Before I used to sit alone thinking of my family and was very unhappy. But now I am full of joy and rejoicing in my new-found faith. Now I have something to live for! I pray for the salvation of my family members and witness to each one of them often. I believe my family will be saved in the future.
Now I am studying the Bible, and in the future will be a full-time worker for my Savior. I can never thank God enough for eternal life in His Son, my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

From Charles and Lourdes Holmes, Bangkhen, Thailand
“By our monthly church tract distribution around our area and personal Christian distribution, we are out of the 50,000 tracts which once seemed so many. But we have ten times that number to go to reach the area we believe God has given us. Thank you for your prayers. More than 200 are now studying Bible correspondence courses because of those tracts. They checked their interest and were followed up by a Thai Christian worker in our new church.”
From Ya Tu, Shan State, Myanmar (Burma)
“With lots of thanks, I have received your helps in last June 1990. I’m appreciate you very much because of your helps, we stronger and have encouragements for service. Please help me continually because I’m very busy in His service and working and striving all the day long, all the night long, means full-time in ministry. So I’m asking you not to stop helps from now on whatsoever may be, I’ll endured in God’s work.”
He is referring to the fact that he received nothing in August, as nothing was given for him. Let me know if you would like to sponsor him fully or partially at $25.00 – 50.00 monthly. We’ll provide you with an application, photos, etc.
“I have been twice to Laos with brother Paul and have founded a new church at Palio where Laos and Burma meet. Together we have founded eight churches: Yanggong, Yannai I, Yannai II, Yanshin, Pa Dawng, Skan, Jani, and Bandawche. At the present village I serve more than 80 families. They are Shans, Lahus, Akhas and Chinese.”
“I have served God since His calling me since twelve years ago, I never discouraged for serving Christ and His churches before. In times past I was a wretched man, but God called me and changed all my bad life into goodness, and I became a new creature. There is new life in my life. Christ has demonstrated with me and many are added to His Church. I am self-support until today except for you to continue my support as long as God wants to serve you and me.”
“May God richly bless you in all your efforts for us.”
Attention Pastors:
“My people just aren’t as interested in missions as I wish them to be.” (California)
“We have no problem raising missions pledges during our faith promise push each year; the problem is in having the pledges come in.” (Michigan)
“I just feel that we lack the vision of a world going to Hell.” (Georgia)
One of the goals of FINAL FRONTIERS is to help pastors in America develop their mission programs to their fullest potential. Having combined pastoral experience of over twenty years, Jon and Lewis Nelms are well acquainted with the various obstacles you face.
With the use of slide and video presentations, either of the Nelms brothers can take part in your missions conference, or better yet, come to your church for a one-day “Missions Booster.” This is especially helpful for churches that need that special “boost” to increase their missions pledges.
Often during the year, the missions giving can have a tendency to drop off. Perhaps what your people need is a “shot in the arm.” Not a “guilt trip,” but a renewed burden. We have seen missions giving jump by 100% as the result of a single day’s meeting.
Our “MINI-MISSIONS CONFERENCE” is designed to be just what you need. To get more details or schedule a date, give us a call at 1-800-522-4324.
“I want to make an investment for eternity through the work and workers of FINAL FRONTIERS.”
- Please find enclosed my one-time gift of $_______.
- I can help with support each month at $_______.
- Please apply my contribution to:
- A native or national preacher (name) _________.
- A FINAL FRONTIERS missionary (name) _________.
- Wherever needed most.
“Here is a special gift to be applied towards the payoff of the FINAL FRONTIERS VAN. I understand that any surplus will be applied towards the operating expenses of the ministry.”
NEED: $5,000.00
RECEIVED: $305.00
Through the funding and prayers of American Believers and the labors of national and native preachers, we endeavor to effectively present the Gospel of Jesus Christ where it has never been preached before. Pray for us as we do.
- Churches started to date: 131
- Salvation decisions: 20,000+
In order to help, I have:
- Read the “MPR”
- Prayed for the workers
- Sent in a contribution
- Referred this ministry to a friend or pastor